Monday, March 26, 2018

Personal Opinions

What is your opinion on the social networks and the effect they have on society?

I think that the social networks are mostly good and useful for people, because they can communicate with others being far away, they can enjoy time having social relations with other persons, share personal things, also the social media is useful for doing works and to some kinds of jobs and many others things. But I consider that are some cases when the social networks become bad for people, for example, when they are used for doing bullying.

What is your opinion on animal testing?

It's a hard question, because historically the animal testing has been useful for investigations and science progress, but of course I disagree when it makes the animals suffer or for fancy things like makeup, I consider that it isn't an important topic to use animal testing.

What is your opinion on the idea that marriage is an outdated institution?

I think it depends on the person you ask, for example, for me it's important when both persons want it and it becomes a manifestation of their love to make it more formal or to be recognized by society. But, of course there are many persons that think marriage is an outdated institution; I perceive that mainly young people think like this way.

What do you think is the best way to solve the sea access dispute with Bolivia?

I think we should respect the peace treaty of 1904, because there were many deaths to get it and very personally I believe that the political campaign of "sea for Bolivia" it only populism for Evo Morales approval increase and to make hatred between Bolivia and Chile.

English language challenges

Good morning everyone! Today, I'm going to develop my experience of having an English course at university, also the aspects that I ha...