Monday, June 25, 2018

What area do you want to specialize in psychology?

Good afternoon everyone!

First of all, I'm going to say that I'm not sure regarding the area that I would want to specialize. At this moment I mostly like all of them, but I consider for example, that neuroscience and neuropsychology is a limited branch in Chile, because in this country there aren't the enough resources, such as: advanced technology, financing, interdisciplinary work, postgraduate studies, etc. So... there are just a few of them, restricting the opportunities to become a qualified psychologist in this area, to obtain a job is difficult too. In my opinion, it happens something similar with research and experimental psychology; and for that reason I wouldn't want to specialize in those areas (even when I like them), because the resources for specializing are more limited and the labor market is too competitive. Maybe, I could consider to study abroad something related with these branches (because I like a lot the scientific stuff and it would be nice to know another country with its culture), but right now I don't visualize myself doing it (anyway, I'm doing the second year of my career, my decisions could change in the future). There are many other possibilities to specialize in, such as: behavioral psychology, social psychology, forensic psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, clinical psychology, educational psychology and legal psychology (There are more branches, but I don't want to mention all of them and these are the most important).

As you can see, there are a lot of options to specialize in psychology, but the area I think I like the most in the present is Educational psychology, Why?, Because I've always been interested in education (I wanted to study pedagogy, maybe, I'll do it), also I prefer to work with teenagers and children than adults (I think you can help them more, especially the teenagers, because that age is problematic for all of us and full of doubts) and in addition; the educational branch in psychology takes over about educative improvements, the scientific study of human learning (with cognitive and behavioral perspectives) and helping in problems related with life in educational institutions. I think that the last things I previously mentioned are the reason of why the educational psychology is important inside the career that I'm studying.

If I specialize in educational psychology, I would do the educational psychology master at "Universidad de Chile", because it's part-time modality, so I could work and study. In the other hand, maybe I could go abroad for studying (but I haven't searched about it). Now a days, I don't have any plans regarding postgraduate studies, except for doing 2 diplomas at Universidad de Chile (one related with humanistic psychotherapy and the other with educational psychology, this last one give you the chance to continue with the master if you want to do it), but as I said at the beginning, I'm not sure regarding the area I would want to specialize. Although I've noticed that I like a little bit more the educational psychology (I realize that when I think about the education in Chile and its flaws, then I feel that maybe I could help fixing the actual system or making a new educative system).

That's all for today, I hope you read me in the next post, see you...

English language challenges

Good morning everyone! Today, I'm going to develop my experience of having an English course at university, also the aspects that I ha...