Monday, July 9, 2018

Personal opinions

Good afternoon everyone!, today I'm going to give my opinion about 4 different topics, so...

1.-Owning an exotic pet

First of all, I think it depends on what are we going to consider regarding an exotic pet. For example, if we say that exotic is less common, I could say that animals such as: rabbits, chickens, pigs, etc. would be exotic, but this is because I assume that the person who has that pets isn't from a farm or doesn't live in countryside (so it would be exotic for city residents). Now, if exotic is expensive. I could say that animals such as: lizards, iguanas, macaws, turtles, ferrets, hedgehogs, toads and others could be exotic. But I consider that this pets aren't real exotic, because nowadays they're more common than before, I have friends who have turtles, also a lot of people have hedgehogs or iguanas or ferrets (So... in this terms, I think it's just an expensive pet). At last but not least, I believe that exotic pets/animals are the wild ones and they are only a luxury that rich people take. For example, the girl in the photograph with a cheetah on street like if it was a dog.

In general I dislike the idea of having a pet just because is uncommon, I guess that people do that mainly to impress other persons and in some cases, because they are obsessed or love too much that particular animal, even when is not an ordinary pet (I suppose if you like a lot the hedgehogs you could get one, isn't insane, but if you like tigers it's a different issue, because they're really dangerous). Finally, I'm totally against of having pets that are in danger of extinction, because it's banned to have it, I'm sure the reason is a little bit obvious.

2.-Child Labor

I would like to do a distinction between child labor in terms of slavery and childhood deprived, in contrast with child labor as a necessity of families with less resources or for helping parents with their jobs such a learning process or just because they need the help. In the first case I'm absolutely convinced that it's wrong and an infringement of children's rights. So I consider that we have to do something as society, ensuring that this situation end up.

In the second case I suppose that is right depending on the situation. For example, if a family needs more money, the adults caregivers do all they can, working a lot and they really don't have other way to make money (such as social contributions, credits, loans by closer people) for the basics subsistence needs. I thinks is worthier that the kids work in simple or little jobs, that are complementary with their studies and warranting their rights the most that it can; than to starve to death. Regarding to the previous case, the children could help their parents in their jobs after school, for example, if they work selling things in a store in their house, while the parents are doing other job. And lastly, I imagine that the classic American lemonade stand, isn't an oppressive job and it's a good way for kids to do their own money, whether they need it to help family finance or just because their parents thinks is a good way to increase autonomy and to develop social skills, enjoying the process.


I believe that tattoos are mostly an art, in general I have a good view about them, I think that people with some tattoos are great, especially when they have an important/personal meaning for them. But I don't like all the tattoos, for example, I disagree a little bit respect to the matching tattoos that couples do, especially when they get tattoo the first letter or the name of the other, I guess it could be a bad option, because if you broke up, you probably won't like to have something in your body reminding you the person you used to be with. I also dislike offensive tattoos, with negative messages, such racism, sexism, depression, hate, hopeless, etc. In addition, I dislike when people have too much tattoos that you don't know when the other starts or ends, unless they are linked each other, but if is not the case, I feel puzzled about it and I consider that their skin disappeared or changed into ink, making a kind of art that only the full body tattooed person understands.

Regarding about the stereotypes now, I guess that if you're tattooed it doesn't make you a homeless or a criminal, either it doesn't mean you're irresponsible, rebel or without studies. And the stereotype I consider more ridiculous than the others, is that if you have tattoos you won't be able to have a job. I'm reasonably sure that it doesn't make a significant difference if you are tattooed or not; because nowadays, the most people don't care about it. Maybe, in some jobs that you have to go working formal clothes, they are more careful to chose workers without any tattoos, but as the picture at the left shows (making criticism), it shouldn't be any difference if you are tattooed or not and I consider it in that way, even when I don't have any ink on my body and probably I would never get a tattoo, because although I find them very attractive and a piece of art, I imagine that you have to be very secure about what do you want to have on your skin for the rest of your life and I can't make that decision, because I reckon that people change and also my preferences do it. So... In my view, tattooed persons are brave or more exactly decided, I like that in them.

4.-Killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population

In my opinion, we don't have the right to decide for other being of what to do with its life. So, as it seen, I'm against of killing stray dogs. There are other ways to reduce their over population, like sterilizing or teaching about responsible care of dogs, this last view could help for preventing sanitary problems related with them too. If people don't want stray dogs in streets, another measure could be having kennels in cities, that care about the dogs and then, if nobody go to claim the animal in a determined lapses of time, they put the dog in adoption in search of a new home.

On the other hand, I suppose that for many people is easy to say that we have to kill stray dogs, but I'm unsure if the persons that think that way are responsible dogs owners, because in many cases, the people say too much outside their minds, but then, inside their acts, show too little. So firstly, for my view, the persons have to look inside themselves if they have been responsible pet owners.

That's all for today, I hope you read me in the next post, see you...


  1. I agree with you in many things, I think a tattoo it´s a very important decision, I also believe that we can´t kill animals because of our irresponsibility.

  2. Hi!
    I think some people want their pets to be exotic, say dwarf dogs and with clothes. It seems a bit extravagant and what I believe is that their owners do it in search of being flashy.
    I guess agree with what you think about child labor and those 2 big differences, even so I find it hard to accept it, I think that children should only play, finally adults are responsible for them ...
    You are absolutely right about the tattoo, but at least I do not see them as art, I do not know, this conflicts with me.
    I guess every time there's more respect for dogs and that's good...

    Regards c:


English language challenges

Good morning everyone! Today, I'm going to develop my experience of having an English course at university, also the aspects that I ha...