Monday, May 14, 2018

Talking about my pets

Good afternoon everyone!

I would like to say that I don't have pets at this moment, because I'm in Santiago and I'm not from here, so... I'm going to refer to my past. 2 years ago, when I was in my house yet, I had pets, but they were on the family own, no one of us were the master of them. At that year (2016) I had fishes (l think around 10, I don't remember the exactly number, because I'm not the kind of people that love to have fishes as pets ha ha ha, I think it's a little bored), I had three lovebirds and a cat (this last one was my favorite, because I'm a cat lover). If I go back to my childhood, I had a lot of pets: a dog, a colorful lizard, hamsters (I guess they were 4 at different timelines), 2 parrots (they were blue- fronted Amazon), around 5 cats (through the years), etc. I have to stop at this moment, to say that I'm an animal lover, it could be a reason of why I have had too much pets, my parents and my brother love the animals too, so we always have had a lot of pets and they were family pets at the end, because we cared them as a family, it supposed that my brother and I were the owners, but that was a lie. Except for the pet I think was the more special for me and I used to be his master, it was a cat called "Chefa".

Now, I'm going to talk about her;  I had Chefa when I was a boy (I can't remember the exactly tense), but I recall that my father gave me that cat near to my birthday, I think it probably was in 2009, because I had around 10 years old. Chefa was alive per 4 to 5 years, she passed away in 2013. I noticed, because my mother told me when we were coming back to our house, after the summer vacations from that year, we were travelling the Atacama desert and my mother said that my aunt told her that someone had poisoned my cat, because Chefa didn't want to eat in some days and she found it in a morning dead in the courtyard with her body tight and inflamed.

Well, that's the sad part of the story. By now, I'm going to remind the cheerful memories I had with Chefa. I loved her, because she was the first pet I really had an emotional connection, I worried about feed her, about bring her water, about clean her and of course, enjoy my time playing with her. So I learnt to be responsible and that learning was funny and joyful, it was really and a experience. The most part of the time, was good; we were growing up together, because Chefa came to my life, when she was little (a cute orange tabby kitten) and then she get an adult (well, I grew up slower, but when I was 14 years old I couldn't say I was a child and I was very mature, even I accepted the death of my cat as a normal process in the life), but inclusive when I received  her death normally it was the bad part. Regarding to the good old days, other things made me happy and were special for me when I recall the times with Chefa, were the bright moments. For example: when my cat slept with me (she rested over my feet), when we enjoyed afternoons playing, the frequent cuddles Chefa used to made to me, etc.

I loved that tiny fluffy fur ball (Chefa wasn't chubby, but she was angora and too cute!).

Finally, as I previously said "I'm a cat lover", so I used to enjoy a lot having a cat as a pet, it's one of the best things in life (for me, ha ha), because I consider cats are very funny, mysterious, curious, adorable and as Robertson Davies said "Perhaps God made cats so that man might have the pleasure of fondling the tiger..."  (that's the thing I like the most, the cats are fierce and cuddly at the same time).

That's all for today, well I hope you read me in the next post, see you...

PS: photographs of other pets I mentioned that I had.


The cat

Years ago:

The dog

The colorful lizard
I had this type of hamster
Blue-fronted Amazon parrots

Cats, different cats! :)


  1. I was touched by Chefa's story, I felt identified.
    Well, she was a great and beautiful partner and you too.

  2. Hi!!
    I think the fish are interesting, I read once: "something that could never hurt, an aquarium".
    You have had many pets.
    Regards c:

  3. I also like cats! I think they are wonderful animals, I have never had one but I would like to have one in the future


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