Monday, April 23, 2018

Favorite Food

Good morning everyone!

Today I'm going to write about my favorite food. At first, I don't have a favorite one, because I love Mexican food (mainly the Tacos), Italian food (such as: Pizza, Lasagna, Tiramisu, Panna Cotta, Gnocchi, Ravioli, Fettuccine, Spaghetti with Pesto sauce, Spaghetti Bolognese), Chinese food (but the Chilean menu, for example, "Chapsui Especial" and "Arrollado Primavera"), Middle East food (like Falafel and Shawarma) and Of course, Chilean food ("Empanadas de Horno", "Pastel de Choclo", "Humitas", "Tortas", "Queque", "Carbonada", "Mote con Huesillos", "Picarones Pasados", "Pastel de Papa", "Completos", "Arroz con Leche", etc). In general I'm not a picky person, I think I like all kinds of food, specially food from other countries, as I mentioned, I could say that I only dislike the seafood. Also, I like home-cooked food, because my father is a good cook so I could eat really delicious food when I was living with him; I like the food that my grandmothers cook when I visit them in the south, they cook the most typical Chilean food and they result yummy. On the other hand, I like to eat out too! Because I can eat different foods and try new things.

Basically, I'm a person with sweet tooth, but I consider that desserts are not part of a  balance diet, so either they aren't food in those terms to eat well and to satisfy hunger, for example, I couldn't eat a dessert as a lunch, I probably would be hungry the rest of the day (ha ha).

Now, last but not least if I have to say only one favorite food, I could say Italian food at this moment and to be more specific Lasagna. I know that it isn't the most healthiest food, but It's delectable for me!

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

1 comment:

  1. the lasagna is delicious !! reading this blog gave me a lot of hunger haha


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