Monday, April 16, 2018

My future job

Good morning everyone!

I would like to have a flex time working as psychologist if I can, because I'd like to manage my own time for work, it would be relaxing and comfortable, that would be a reason as to become a clinical psychologist with my own consultation, but then I also like the educational psychology that's is the opposite if we talk about schedules, because that kind of job it's full time and mostly a nine to five work. So... I would like to work at school too!, It's another branch of psychology (the educational psychology) and I love it too much, because I would have liked to be a teacher, maybe I could study pedagogy after psychology, but at the moment I'm studying this career and as I can combine the psychology and the educational working, that would make me very happy if I decide to study a master in psychology and work in that area. 

Talking now about money, I could say that it doesn't matter to me. I know that psychologist salary is not as well as other careers, but it isn't bad too; it depends on if you think that money is the more precious thing in life or if just you use money to live, relegating it to a second place. I choose the last option; I only want to be happy doing the job I like and getting the satisfaction for that

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...


  1. I was also interested in pedagogy, and i also think the money is not the most important thing!!

  2. I think tha same, if you don't care about the money, you can study psychology no matter what :D


English language challenges

Good morning everyone! Today, I'm going to develop my experience of having an English course at university, also the aspects that I ha...