Monday, April 2, 2018

The country I would like to visit

Good morning everyone!

For me, to choose only one country it's difficult, because I think that my holiday of a lifetime would be to go to Europe and visit different countries. When I was child it was easier for me, because I just wanted to go to USA, because I thought it's a big country and it has many different places to go and if I would go there I could learn English a little more. Well, but if I had to choose one country now, I would say Italy, because I love Italian food, Italian music and their culture in general, and there are many different places to know.

For example, Venice. It's a very interesting place to go, because that city was built over the sea and the streets are full of water, so you have to transport using gondolas and this form of transportation it's very attractive for me, because I have never done it.

Other thing about Venice it's the carnival that is realized on that city, when people wear different colorful costumes and have their faces covered by a mask. I consider really funny the idea of being wearing costumes with other people on streets and it would be very attractive to see too.

Other beautiful places of Italy are:

Roman Coliseum

Leading Tower of Pisa



That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

1 comment:

  1. I would also like travel around Europe and it must be very entertaining participate in the carnaval of Venice!!


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