Monday, April 9, 2018

The best "concert" I've ever had

Good morning everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about the best concert I've ever had, I mean, to be more precise... It wasn't a concert in those terms of very crowed and in a big place, (It was just a live performance of a band). I went to see Tronic in Iquique, at Universidad Arturo Prat's courtyard, and it was on September, 6th, 2013. I went with one of my best friends, her nickname was Denis. It was special, because this live performance of Tronic was the first time that my parents allowed me to go to a show like that, also I went with Denis, who always has been a good friend and of course, Tronic is one of the bands that I like the most, so I had a very good time enjoying my favorites songs of them, such as: "Combo final", "Mateo", "Malos amigos", "Otra vez", "Sería tan bueno", "Misis güiñi", "Prendan la radio", "Idiotas", "Fénix", "Santiago", "Veinte por ciento", "La granja", "La colina", "Mantarraya", "Rompe el destino", "Brasil", "Bajo llave", "Santiago", "Causa y efecto", "El bueno y el malo", "Abracadabra", "Imitables" and "Estamos locos". Yeah, I know they are a lot of songs, but I like all of them too much, and are my kind of favorites, because in general I don't chose only one thing as the best and the only favorite ha ha ha. Amazingly, Tronic played more songs; I think that it was possible because their songs are short, like 2 minutes in average. The show took 2 hours approximated. Last but not the least, I could take a photograph with them, so this was an important thing of my first time had gone to a "concert", something memorable.

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

The photograph I mentioned, I know it's a little bit blurred, but there it is! 

1 comment:

  1. I don´t know so much about the band, but I really like the song "mateo", it must have been a great experience


English language challenges

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