Monday, April 23, 2018

Favorite Food

Good morning everyone!

Today I'm going to write about my favorite food. At first, I don't have a favorite one, because I love Mexican food (mainly the Tacos), Italian food (such as: Pizza, Lasagna, Tiramisu, Panna Cotta, Gnocchi, Ravioli, Fettuccine, Spaghetti with Pesto sauce, Spaghetti Bolognese), Chinese food (but the Chilean menu, for example, "Chapsui Especial" and "Arrollado Primavera"), Middle East food (like Falafel and Shawarma) and Of course, Chilean food ("Empanadas de Horno", "Pastel de Choclo", "Humitas", "Tortas", "Queque", "Carbonada", "Mote con Huesillos", "Picarones Pasados", "Pastel de Papa", "Completos", "Arroz con Leche", etc). In general I'm not a picky person, I think I like all kinds of food, specially food from other countries, as I mentioned, I could say that I only dislike the seafood. Also, I like home-cooked food, because my father is a good cook so I could eat really delicious food when I was living with him; I like the food that my grandmothers cook when I visit them in the south, they cook the most typical Chilean food and they result yummy. On the other hand, I like to eat out too! Because I can eat different foods and try new things.

Basically, I'm a person with sweet tooth, but I consider that desserts are not part of a  balance diet, so either they aren't food in those terms to eat well and to satisfy hunger, for example, I couldn't eat a dessert as a lunch, I probably would be hungry the rest of the day (ha ha).

Now, last but not least if I have to say only one favorite food, I could say Italian food at this moment and to be more specific Lasagna. I know that it isn't the most healthiest food, but It's delectable for me!

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

Monday, April 16, 2018

My future job

Good morning everyone!

I would like to have a flex time working as psychologist if I can, because I'd like to manage my own time for work, it would be relaxing and comfortable, that would be a reason as to become a clinical psychologist with my own consultation, but then I also like the educational psychology that's is the opposite if we talk about schedules, because that kind of job it's full time and mostly a nine to five work. So... I would like to work at school too!, It's another branch of psychology (the educational psychology) and I love it too much, because I would have liked to be a teacher, maybe I could study pedagogy after psychology, but at the moment I'm studying this career and as I can combine the psychology and the educational working, that would make me very happy if I decide to study a master in psychology and work in that area. 

Talking now about money, I could say that it doesn't matter to me. I know that psychologist salary is not as well as other careers, but it isn't bad too; it depends on if you think that money is the more precious thing in life or if just you use money to live, relegating it to a second place. I choose the last option; I only want to be happy doing the job I like and getting the satisfaction for that

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

Monday, April 9, 2018

The best "concert" I've ever had

Good morning everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about the best concert I've ever had, I mean, to be more precise... It wasn't a concert in those terms of very crowed and in a big place, (It was just a live performance of a band). I went to see Tronic in Iquique, at Universidad Arturo Prat's courtyard, and it was on September, 6th, 2013. I went with one of my best friends, her nickname was Denis. It was special, because this live performance of Tronic was the first time that my parents allowed me to go to a show like that, also I went with Denis, who always has been a good friend and of course, Tronic is one of the bands that I like the most, so I had a very good time enjoying my favorites songs of them, such as: "Combo final", "Mateo", "Malos amigos", "Otra vez", "Sería tan bueno", "Misis güiñi", "Prendan la radio", "Idiotas", "Fénix", "Santiago", "Veinte por ciento", "La granja", "La colina", "Mantarraya", "Rompe el destino", "Brasil", "Bajo llave", "Santiago", "Causa y efecto", "El bueno y el malo", "Abracadabra", "Imitables" and "Estamos locos". Yeah, I know they are a lot of songs, but I like all of them too much, and are my kind of favorites, because in general I don't chose only one thing as the best and the only favorite ha ha ha. Amazingly, Tronic played more songs; I think that it was possible because their songs are short, like 2 minutes in average. The show took 2 hours approximated. Last but not the least, I could take a photograph with them, so this was an important thing of my first time had gone to a "concert", something memorable.

That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

The photograph I mentioned, I know it's a little bit blurred, but there it is! 

Monday, April 2, 2018

The country I would like to visit

Good morning everyone!

For me, to choose only one country it's difficult, because I think that my holiday of a lifetime would be to go to Europe and visit different countries. When I was child it was easier for me, because I just wanted to go to USA, because I thought it's a big country and it has many different places to go and if I would go there I could learn English a little more. Well, but if I had to choose one country now, I would say Italy, because I love Italian food, Italian music and their culture in general, and there are many different places to know.

For example, Venice. It's a very interesting place to go, because that city was built over the sea and the streets are full of water, so you have to transport using gondolas and this form of transportation it's very attractive for me, because I have never done it.

Other thing about Venice it's the carnival that is realized on that city, when people wear different colorful costumes and have their faces covered by a mask. I consider really funny the idea of being wearing costumes with other people on streets and it would be very attractive to see too.

Other beautiful places of Italy are:

Roman Coliseum

Leading Tower of Pisa



That's all for today, well I hope you read me the next week, see you...

English language challenges

Good morning everyone! Today, I'm going to develop my experience of having an English course at university, also the aspects that I ha...